Hello, I am homcorn from ITLover0. Today’s post is going to be about the Logitech G403 hero review. Logitech has always been a beast when it comes to gaming mice and keyboards. Even though some people prefer other brands, Logitech always had its fandom for its simple design and good quality of products. The G403 I’m about to review is a wired gaming mouse made proudly from Logitech. Let’s look at the simple specs.
First of all, it is not just a normal Logitech mouse; it is a Logitech G403 hero, which means it uses a hero sensor. According to Logitech, they say that the hero sensor has extreme performance with 10X lower power usage. The mouse has wires which might be uncomfortable for some users but unless you are using a dpi lower than 400, you won’t have much trouble. The mouse has a high and big body compared to mice like the G304. It has a dpi change button right below the scroll wheel and has two extra buttons on the thumb side. The Logitech G logo has a LED light which you can customize through the Logitech app. The design itself is black and clean. The price is around $70.
Let me review the mouse now. For the sensor, I don’t really see much difference between the hero sensor and a normal sensor but I have never experienced a cursor movement error while using this mouse. The mouse itself has wires which might be disturbing for some people but unless you use a very low dpi or have your mouse very far from your device, it won’t be really disturbing. The dpi change button is quite useful but not always. Most mice nowadays have this button which most customers expect from gaming mice so if it doesn’t have one, it is quite disappointing. The buttons next to your thumb (side buttons) are quite useful especially when you are surfing the web. You can just use the two buttons to go forward and back in your chrome or any browser tab. I find it very useful that you don’t have to move your mouse all the way up and it actually feels quite awkward when you use a mouse without side buttons later on.The body is also very high and big which fits my hands. If you are used to flat body mice, then it might not be the best choice. The design is very clean and neat with black body and an LED G logo in the middle. I am a type of guy that prefers clean finishes and neat design over fancy mice with way too many buttons and LED lights and strange design.
That is the end of the Logitech G403 review. I would definitely recommend this mouse to people who are looking for a mouse that has a good quality and is not so expensive. It is a very simple mouse with good quality and for normal and gaming uses. By the way, I recommend syncing with the Logitech G HUB app to change your dpi and settings so that it fits your style. Anyways, I hope this post helped you and I will see you in further posts. Bye!