Hi! this is your host GENo07 from ITLover0!

Today, I’m gonna tell you about ‘clock’.

If you read our older post on ITLover0 “Korean Version”, you might have heard about “clock”. I told you that the clock decides the CPU’s single core performance. However, if you are a person who is bad at using computers, you might confuse what is ‘clock’.

This ‘clock’ is actually the speed of the CPU. 

Then, you might think that a CPU with a higher clock is better than CPU with lower clock. 

If you think like that, you might think Intel’s CPU is better than AMD’s CPU. However, you need to compare clocks when both CPUs have the same architecture. More simply, the standard of high performance is different. And, this performance per clock is called “IPC”

As a result, the CPU’s single core performance is decided by IPC and clock. 

But, there are some CPUs with low basic clocks or low IPC. The ‘overclock’ is a way to improve CPU’s performance. 

Overclock is the act of making a higher clock than a basic clock. Actually, there is no limit in overclock, since each CPU’s potential is different, you should not overclock too much. 

When you overclock, you have to set the clock in ‘bios’. If you want to enter bios, you need to press a certain key.  Be careful when you edit your bios because you can break your PC. 

There are two ways to overclock your CPU. It is a multiplier overclock, BCLK overclock. 

It seems like there are many advantages to overclocking, and there’s no disadvantages. However, actually there are many disadvantages if you overclock. 

Basically, the CPU is very hot. And overclock makes the CPU hotter. Also the CPU can be damaged more easily. 

If you want to solve this problem, you need to buy an expensive color. 

Also, if you overclock, your warranty might end.

Thanks for reading our long post. And I’ll be back with another post. 

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