Hi this is GENo07 from ITLover0.
Today, I am going to show you the pros and cons of the Surface Go type cover. I wrote before that one of the good parts about the Surface Go is that its type cover is good. Well, then lets look deeper in to it and review it. Lets go!

Surface Go Disadvantage
Before, I emphasized that the type cover is really good. However, it is a fact that it has a few disadvantage and bad part. Every good products always have a disadvantage so lets go in to those.
First is about the key arrangement. Its about the alt key and spacebar. The alt key applies for people who use two languages on their Surface Go. To change language, we use the alt key. However, the alt key was way to towards the right so it was hard to change the language quickly while typing. The spacebar was too long which made it hard to use.
It was also pretty awkward that you have to press the function key before using the Fn shortcut/F numberkeys(F1, F2, F3….). For example, on a normal pc, you press F11 and go in to full screen. However, you had to press fn key and F11 key in order to use that feature. Also, the arrow keys were awkward like the macbook which made it uncomfortable to use.
Next is about the key noise. It may have gave up the key noise to gain the good feeling when you type. Pentagraph keyboards put their focus on less noise while typing. However, this keyboard was as loud as a mechanical keyboard. Well it was not like a blue switch but it was still loud as cherry brown. This disadvantage helped it gain the good feeling and neatness of the key.
If there is a disadvantage, then there is the benefits and the good parts.
Surface Go Benefits
Now is the benefits of the Surface Go type cover.
First is the neat white LED. These kind of products are focused on carrying it out and using it which makes the back lit light important. This makes the user able to use it in dark conditions. Surface Go type cover also has this feature and it is a really neat compared to other cheap products.
Next is the feeling when you type. The feeling of the keyboard when you type is really good. Preferences are really different case-by-case but I felt it is really good. The feeling of typing the keyboard was very clear and it felt good and clear.
Third is the texture of the keyboard. I don’t know about the exact material it is made out of but it was soft and didn’t really show much about it getting dirty and contaminated. It also felt clean and simple.(Seems like alcantara)
Fourth is the way of connection. If it is not a cover made from the manufacturer and it is made by another company, then you have to connect it with bluetooth every time. This keyboard is made by microsoft which makes it able to use right away when you use its connector and attach it to the main body.
Fifth is the touch pad. It is really hard to have a good touch pad in a Windows system. However, it allowed you to use a good touch pad and had a good feeling.
The last is the way of using it. If I compare it with the Ipad polio keyboard, you had to open it and place it for the polio keyboard. But for the Surface type cover, you just open it and open the kick stand which was very easy and quick.
To summarize, I really recommend using this no matter what if you are using a Surface Go. It is really neat to use and worth using. It improves your workflow and I don’t really think there is an another keyboard for Surface Go.
That is the end of the review for today. I would recommend this Surface Go type cover definitely if you are using a Surface Go. The key arrangement is awkward but the typing feeling is really good. This post has our personal thoughts in it so there might be other thoughts about it. Thank you for reading our post today and I hope to see you next time. Bye!