Hello, this is homcorn from ITLover0. Today’s post is going to be about why your wifi matters more than your graphics card. Everytime we do something on our PC, we care about the frames we get. Especially people who play games care a lot about frames since a single lag or a frame drop can cause you to lose a game. That is why people buy expensive graphics cards in order to get more frames. However, I think that your wifi matters more than your graphics card when your graphics card is above a certain level. Let me tell you why.

Why you need a better wifi
Let’s say you have a graphics card like the GTX 1660 ti and your main game is Valorant. You can easily get above 100fps on FHD resolution. This means that you don’t experience any constant lags while you play the game. However, if you have a bad wifi, then your ping would go up out of nowhere and make your game lag even though you have a decent graphics card. This happened to me a few days ago. I currently have a 3700x and 3070 with 16GB ram. This setup is way more than enough to play Valorant on QHD resolution. However, I experienced lags which were very disturbing. I wondered why and I realized that I was also in a call with my friends via discord. After I turned it off, the lag stopped. I figured out it was because the wifi was full in use so the ping went high up.
Well if you have a graphics card like the RX570, then upgrading your graphics card would be a better choice compared to upgrading your wifi. But if you have a decent graphics card that can run the games you play smoothly, then your wifi is your next priority. Even though you get like 200fps, if you have a bad ping, then it is no use since you are still going to lag.
What I am trying to say is that, if you have a decent graphics card, don’t be greedy. Don’t be jealous of others who have better graphics cards than you. Use that money to get better wifi, and it will decrease your packet loss and your ping. It’s also cheaper to get a better wifi router compared to buying a thousand dollar graphics card.
That is the end of today’s post. I hope you understand why your wifi matters more than your graphics card and actually consider getting a better wifi and save your money other than spending money on a super expensive graphics card. Nowadays, the semiconductor shortage is leading to a lack of quantity of graphics cards. Even though you can get one somehow, it is going to be way overpriced. I would really recommend changing your wifi first and then considering changing your graphics card. Anyways, have a wonderful weekend, and I will see you on further posts. Bye!
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